Kimberley Coastal Pilots has been formed to provide much needed professional and quality assured, coastal pilotage and marine advice to cruise vessels visiting the Kimberley coast in Western Australia.
The Kimberley is a unique global tourist destination. Its remarkable natural and cultural beauty provides a point of difference experience unmatched anywhere in the world. Over the last decade, an increasing number of cruise vessels have visited the Kimberley to experience its remote and spectacular sights.
The areas unique geography however, creates navigational challenges for ships and other vessels transiting these waters. King tides in excess of 10 metres, some of the largest in the world, results in strong currents and eddies in its waterways.
These are particularly evident when navigating close to the myriad of spectacular islands, reefs and shoals in the area, many of which are uncharted. Local knowledge is therefore essential when navigating these waters to mitigate risk and to help protect this unique and sensitive environment.
The Australian Hydrographic Office strongly recommends local knowledge be utilised for all vessels transiting these areas.
Kimberley Coastal Pilots has been formed to provide the cruise industry with the assurance that this critical marine safety service is being performed to the highest industry standards. The joint venture partners have extensive experience navigating and piloting in the Kimberley.
No other organisation or group could match Kimberley Coastal Pilot’s combined experience in the region. v

PO Box 1116
Fremantle WA 6160